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Exposición Internacional del Automóvil en Berlín, in: Dyna, Volume 6. 1931

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Informations générales

Auteur Fritman, P.
Publié  Publicaciones Dyna S.L., Bilbao, Spain, 1931
Extension  pp. 378 - 382
Articles de journal
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Volume 6. 1931, in: Dyna
Auteur: Fritman, P.; Perez Villamil, E.; Laffitte, Carlos; de Beraza, Luis; Lehr, E.; Barreiro, Luis; Bengoa, Andrés; Birkett, M. S.; Dr Thoma; Martinez, Mario; De la Escalera, R.; Müzinger, Friedrich; Dorn, A.; S. L. L.; Thun, A.; M. C.; Lopez de Lerena, Sebastián; Hernández Díez, Francisco; Buckingham, Earle; Junoy, Manuel; Thum, A.
Publié: 1931
Section of the engine Genschel of 250 H.P. of 12 cylinders in 2 series of 6
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cylinder head of the Krupp engine.
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Carburetor by descent
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Vomag-Oberhánsli engine of heavy oil.
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Phanom Engine 2.5 liter air cooling.
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3 speed gears overspeed houses prefixed
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Aphon gearbox gear.
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New gearbox Henschel.
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Outline Graham synchronization device
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Steering mechanism of the Studebaker
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5-axis truck steering-Krupp Fletlner
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Pump drive chassis lubrication Daimler-Benz.
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Limousine Goliath with two seats
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Documents: Volume 6. 1931
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UBCUniv. Basque C.
Administrative information
Time of publication 1931
