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Moving in cylinder 1, connected by ports a and d to the tank, are piston 2, whose rod 3 is linked to the brake pedal, and piston 4. Wlien the brake pedal is depressed, fluid flows through channel e to the rear wheel brakes and through port b to the front wheel brakes. When the pedal is released, springs 5 and 6 move pistons 2 and 4 to the left, and fluid from the mains is admitted into main cylinder 1. If there is a leak in the line leading to the rear brakes through channel e, or if the line is damaged the rear brakes fail to operate and piston 2 approaches and contacts piston 4. Owing to the force exerted on rod 3, the fluid flows through plug 7 to the front wheel brakes. If the leak is in the line leading to the front wheel brakes, these brakes fail to operate and the force exerted on the rod moves piston 2. The pressure thus produced shifts piston 4 to the end of its stroke. Then the fluid in the space between the pistons is forced out through channel e to the rear wheel brakes. Ports a serve to admit fluid from the tank to the main cylinder. Ports d compensate for temperature changes in the volume of fluid, for leakage and surplus fluid, as well as for changes in the volumes of the operating cylinders of the brakes upon adjustments of the brakes. $3762$SHP,Br$