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Feedwater, which is to be deaerated, is admitted into deaerator 1 through pipeline 3 and the heating steam, through pipeline 2. The feedwater is heated and deaerated by bubbling with steam as it passes through the gap between the walls of pipeline 2 and cylinder 4. Further, the water passes through the annular space between cylinder 4 and the wall of vessel 5. Then the water flows over the edge of vessel 5 into deaerated water accumulator 6. Air evolved from the feedwater in deaeration is discharged with a cert in amount of steam. Upon an increase in pressure in the deaerator, the membrane of pressure regulator 7 is bent downward, moving shutter 8 downward to reduce the amount of steam supplied to the deaerator. Through a system of levers, shutter 9 is also moved downward, increasing the amount of feedwater admitted for deaeration. Upon a drop in pressure in the deaerator, the elements of the regulator operate in the reverse direction. The feedwater level in the deaerator is controlled in a similar manner. $4252$CHP,Rg$