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Dickinson, Henry Winram (1870 - 1952)

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English technology historian
variant spelling:
Dickinson, Henry Winram;
Curriculum vitae  
* 28.08.1870 Ulverston born
1886 - 1888 Manchester Ingenieurausbildung am "Owens College"
1888 - 1891 Glasgow Lehre bei der "William Beardmore and Company"
1891 - 1892 Leeds Konstrukteur in einem Ingenieurbüro
1893 - 1895 Wishaw Konstrukteur bei der "Glasgow Iron and Steel Company"
1895 - 1897 London Juniorassistent für Bergbau und Metallurgie im "South Kensington Museum"
1897 London Assistenz-Aufseher der Maschinenabteilung im "South Kensington Museum"
1901 London Mitglied der "Institution of Mechanical Engineers"
1914 London Assistent des Direktors des "Science Museums"
1915 - 1918 London Sekretär des "Munitions Inventions Panel" des "Ministry of Munitions"
1920 London Mitbegründer und Ehrensekretär der "Newcomen Society"
1923 USA Vorlesungsreise
1925 - 1930 London Aufseher für Maschinenbau am "Science Museum"
1932 - 1934 London Präsident der "Newcomen Society"
1938 USA zwei Vorlesungsreisen
1938 Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) Ehrendoktor der Lehigh-Universität
† 21.02.1952 Purely died
Rationalisation, ca. 1920-1950
no fulltext found James Watt and the Industrial Revolution
Author: Vowles, Hugh P.; Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1948
no fulltext found James Watt, Craftsman and Engineer
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1936
no fulltext found James Watt and the Steam Engine
Author: Jenkins, Rhys; Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1927
no fulltext found Robert Stuart Meikleham, in: Transactions
Author: Gomme, A. A.; Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1941
no fulltext found James White and His Century of Inventions, in: Transactions
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1949
no fulltext found Richard Trevithick, the Engineer and the Man
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1934
no fulltext found Matthew Boulton
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1937
no fulltext found A Short History of the Steam Engine
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1939
no fulltext found Die Trägheitskräfte einer Schubstange
Author: Dickinson, Henry Winram
Published: 1907
Secondary literature
no fulltext found The Happy Scholar ; The First Dickinson Memorial Lecture, in: Transactions
Author: Singer, Charles
Published: 1958
no fulltext found Orbituary Dr. H.W. Dickinson, in: The engineer
Author: Unbekannt
Published: 1952
no fulltext found Obituary - Henry Winram Dickson, in: Transactions
Author: Unbekannt
Published: 1956
Dickinson, Henry Winram (1870 - 1952)
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