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MASP-file for the model with the dmgId 1249025

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Description This is a file with the solution principle of the model with the dmgId 1249025. It was generated using MASP. To lern more about MASP click here.
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Technical data
File size in byte 8.269 (8.3kB)
Type of CAx-file MASP-file (XML), described mechanism can be moved using MASP (Program)
Linked items
Images: Doppelschwinge
View of a MASP-file for the model with the dmgId 1249025
Solution principle of the model with the dmgId 1249025
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Data provider
ITUIlmenau TU
Administrative information
Persons editor: Institut für Maschinenelemente und Konstruktion (Ed.)
Time of creation 2012