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Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: An Optimal Design Approach for the Open/Close Blow-Station Cam Mechanism of A Rotary Type Blow-molding Machine.

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Información general

Autor Liu, Jen-Yu; Yan, Hong-Sen; Wang, Guo-Bin; Tsai, Zheng-Dar; Dumitrescu, Roman
Publicado  2007
2000 y posteriores
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science ; IFToMM 2007 - June 17 - 21, 2007, Besançon, France
Autor: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Flores, Francisco Geu; Kecskeméthy, Andrés; Pöttker, Alois; Egorova, Olga; Rekers, W.; Koetsier, Teun; Oliveira, Agamenon R. E.; Ceccarelli, Marco; Zielinska, Teresa; Hoffmann, Klaus; Zrnić, Nenad; Bosnjak, S.; Brix, Torsten; Döring, Ulf; Corves, Burkhard; Modler, Karl-Heinz; Beitelschmidt, Michael; [...]
Publicado: 2007
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Documents: Proceedings of Twelfth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
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Time of publication 2007
