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Analytical modelling and numerical analysis for designing an instrument channel in a mobile probe, in: 50. IWK - Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium

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Autore Zimmermann, Klaus; Gießler, Cornelia; Steigenberger, Joachim
Pubblicato  2005
2000 ed oltre
Superordinate work
no fulltext found 50. IWK - Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium | 50. IWK - International Scientific Colloquium
Autore: Sendler, Jan; Trutschel, Ralf; Augsburg, Klaus; Heimann, Stefan; Holstein, Peter; Franck, U.; Mackenzie, David; Andrei, Costică I.; Micu, Constantin; Kostrakiewicz, S.; Weiß, A.; Kurtz, Peter; Sievers, Gunnar; Schlütter, Beate; Schmauder, Martin; Höhn, Katrin; Krengel, Michael; Franke, Ingmar S.; Schlönhardt, Frank; Bartsch, Heinz; Padun, B. S.; Ilienkov, R. V.; Brecht, Rike; Brix, Torsten; [...]
Pubblicato: 2005
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Documents: 50. IWK - Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium
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Time of publication 2005
