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Reliabity of machines and mechanisms, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science

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Informazioni generali

Autore IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Algin, Vladimir; Chang, Shuo-Hung; Tsai, Chi-Lin; Su, Chih-Chung; Plakhtin, V.; Demiyanushko, Irina; Houidi, Ajmi; Lotfi, Romdhane; Nejlaoui, Mohamed; Affi, Zouhaier
Pubblicato  2011
Capitoli di libri
2000 ed oltre
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science ; Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato City, México, June 19 - 23, 2011
Autore: IFToMM - International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science; Chen, Hsin-Cheng; Lee, Hong-Wen; Tsai, Ming-June; Chio, Nayibe; Gonzalez Acuña, Hernan; Sanabria, Henry; Popescu, Paul; Popescu, Marcela; Baldisserri, Benedetta; Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo; Danieli, Guido; Giuzio, Francesco; Inchingolo, Francesco; Donnici, Mario; Marrelli, Massimo; Perrelli, Michele; Nudo, Paola; [...]
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22525009 Approaches and Techniques for Calculating Real Reliability of Machine as a System of Different Dependent Components and Complicated Logic of Limiting States, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Reliabity of machines and mechanisms
Autore: Algin, Vladimir
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22527009 A Monolithic Six Degrees-of-freedom Piezo-Micro-Positioner with Nanometer Resolution, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Reliabity of machines and mechanisms
Autore: Chang, Shuo-Hung; Tsai, Chi-Lin; Su, Chih-Chung
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22529009 Sleeved roll reliability and serviceability improvement, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Reliabity of machines and mechanisms
Autore: Plakhtin, V.
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22536009 The Theory of Reliability of Machines and Mechanisms - History, State-of-art and Prospects, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Reliabity of machines and mechanisms
Autore: Demiyanushko, Irina
Pubblicato: 2011
thumbnail of22543009 Multiobjective robust design optimization of rail vehicle, in: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Reliabity of machines and mechanisms
Autore: Houidi, Ajmi; Lotfi, Romdhane; Nejlaoui, Mohamed; Affi, Zouhaier
Pubblicato: 2011
Linked items
Documents: Final program // Thirteenth World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
Approaches and Techniques for Calculating Real Reliability of Machine as a System of Different Dependent Components and Complicated Logic of Limiting States
A Monolithic Six Degrees-of-freedom Piezo-Micro-Positioner with Nanometer Resolution
Sleeved roll reliability and serviceability improvement
The Theory of Reliability of Machines and Mechanisms - History, State-of-art and Prospects
Multiobjective robust design optimization of rail vehicle
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Time of publication 2011
