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Proceedings // The Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science: Evolution of TMM (Theory of Machines and Mechanisms) to MMS (Machine and Mechanism Science) - An Illustration Survey

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Auteur Ceccarelli, Marco
Publié  2004
Extension  12 pages
Abstract In this lecture paper the main past works on TMM are reviewed through an illustration survey by giving information on the main technical achievements and even brief notes on the personality of the authors.
In this lecture paper the main past works on TMM are reviewed through an illustration survey by giving information on the main technical achievements
and even brief notes on the personality of the authors. The historical overview is started from early works at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris that was established in 1794, which can be considered a fundamental date for modern
TMM. Main works in XIX-th century are reviewed to identify the Golden Age of the Theory of Mechanisms. Continuous evolution and success of the field brought
during the Industrial Revolution Mechanism Design to be recognized as a fundamental engineering discipline also in the XX-th century. Another important period can be identified in the 1960's when TMM evolved further and finally in 1990's it has been assumed the character of an Engineering Science, named as MMS. The significance of MMS (TMM) in modern Technology is stated also by the
teaching of TMM in Mechanical Engineering curricula all around the world. The international community has been identified in 1969 with the foundation of IFToMM (The International Federation of TMM) that has been renamed as IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of MMS in 2000.
Articles de journal
2000 et après
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Proceedings // The Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science ; Tianjin, China, April 1 - 4, 2004
Auteur: Huang, Tian (Ed.); Ceccarelli, Marco; Koetsier, Teun; Corves, Burkhard; Stolle, Georg; Hüsing, Mathias; Kerle, Hanfried; Hesselbach, Jürgen; Krefft, Mathias; Plitea, Nicolae; Modler, Karl-Heinz; Lin, Song
Publié: 2004
Linked items
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Čebyšev, Pafnutij L. (1821 - 1894)
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Lanz, José María/de (1764 - 1839)
Monge, Gaspard (1746 - 1818)
Borgnis, Giuseppe Antonio (1781 - 1863)
Hachette, Jean N. (1769 - 1834)
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Proceedings // The Eleventh World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science
Ecole imperiale polytechnique. Programme du cours elementaire des machines, pour l'an 1808, par M. Hachette. Essai sur la composition des machines, par MM. Lanz et Betancourt.
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Time of publication 2004
