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Rechnergestützte Synthese des Gelenkviereckes - Lehrsoftware für den Unterricht, in: Al V-lea Simpozion Internaƫional Teoria şi Practica Mecanismelor, Vol. 1,2

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Informazioni generali

Autore Luck, Kurt; Richter, Jörg
Pubblicato  -, Bucharest, 1989
Volume  S. 519 - 529
Articoli a Rivista
Superordinate work
no fulltext found Al V-lea Simpozion Internaƫional Teoria şi Practica Mecanismelor: Vol. 1,2
Autore: Luck, Kurt; Richter, Jörg
Pubblicato: 1989
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Documents: Vol. 1,2
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Time of publication 1989
