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"CINEMATICA DELLA BIELLA PIANA" BY LORENZO ALLIEVI IN 1895, in: International Workshop on Founders and Theorems of Mechanism Theory at the Technical University Dresden, Germany, October 6-8, 2004

Volltext zu diesem Werk noch nicht verfügbar

Allgemeine Angaben

Autor Ceccarelli, Marco
Erschienen  Dresden, 2004
Umfang  6 pages
Kurzbeschreibung In this paper we have presented a short review of the book "Cinematica della biella piana" by emphasizing the content which is still of current interest.
In this paper we have presented a short review of the book "Cinematica della biella piana" by emphasizing the content which is still of current interest. The motivation and success of the book have been discussed through the personality of Lorenzo Allievi and promulgation of his work.
ab 2000
Übergeordnete Werke
no fulltext found International Workshop on Founders and Theorems of Mechanism Theory at the Technical University Dresden, Germany, October 6-8, 2004
Autor: Mauersberger, Klaus (Ed.); Kerle, Hanfried (Ed.); Ceccarelli, Marco (Ed.); Mauersberger, Klaus; Kerle, Hanfried; Moon, Francis S.; Ceccarelli, Marco; Golovin, Alexander; Koetsier, Teun; López-Cajún, Carlos S.; Plaßmeyer, Peter; Yan, Hong-Sen
Erschienen: 2004
Verknüpfte Datensätze
Dokumente: International Workshop on Founders and Theorems of Mechanism Theory at the Technical University Dresden, Germany, October 6-8, 2004
DMG-Lib FaviconDMG-Lib https://www.dmg-lib.org/dmglib/handler?docum=4026009
TUITU Ilmenau  http://www.tu-ilmenau.de
UCAUniv. Cassino  http://webuser.unicas.it/weblarm/larmindex.htm
Publikationsdatum 2004
