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Brown - figure 447

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This method of passing a boat from one shore of a river to the other is common on the Rhine and elsewhere, and is effected by the action of the stream 011 the rudder, which carries the boat across the stream in the arc of a circle, the center of which is the anchor which holds the boat from floating down the stream.

Verknüpfte Datensätze
Dokumente: 507 mouvements mécaniques
DMG-Lib FaviconDMG-Lib https://www.dmg-lib.org/dmglib/handler?image=21941023
Europeana FaviconEuropeana  http://www.europeana.eu/portal/record/2020801/dmglib_handler_image_21941023.html
IFMIFMA  http://www.ifma.fr
BCUBCU  http://bibliotheque.clermont-universite.fr