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Public Upload - Upload your own document

Important:You have to be the rights holder of the document that you want to upload.

To upload your own document to DMG-Lib follow these steps:

  1. Register your wish to upload by specifying your E-Mail address.
  2. You will receive an E-Mail that contains a link to a DMG-Lib page for the next step.
  3. Fill out the form to enter meta data and upload the document PDF file.
  4. The next step is to wait, that DMG-Lib personal checks the uploaded data and adds it to the library.



Nouvelle bibliothèque de ressources



  • Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Digitalen Mechanismen und Getriebebibliothek e. V.
  • Max-Planck-Ring 12 (Haus F), Raum 4020
  • 98693 Ilmenau
  • Téléphone: +49 (0)3677 691 263
  • Fax: +49 (0)3677 691 259
  • E-Mail



  • MASP Free Editon 1.0
  • Modélisation et analyse
    des principes
  • Construire et animer des modèles interactifs en utilisant des liaisons articulées et des liens