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The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt ; illustrated by his correspondence with his friends and the specifications of his patents ; in three volumes

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Informations générales

Auteur Muirhead, James Patrick
Publié  Murray, London, 1854
Extension  3 Bände
Abstract Der erste Band enthält eine detaillierte Biographie sowie eine Auswahl von Briefen, die die Bedeutung seiner Erfindungen illustrieren.
Der zweite Band enthält weitere Briefe.
Der dritte Band enthält den gesamten Text und die Zeichnungen aller Patente sowie Auszüge aus den Gerichtsverhandlungen über Patentverletzungen in den 1790er Jahren.
thumbnail of7119009 The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt: Introductory memoir and extracts from correspondence
Auteur: Muirhead, James Patrick
Publié: 1854
thumbnail of7120009 The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt: Extracts from correspondence
Auteur: Muirhead, James Patrick
Publié: 1854
thumbnail of7121009 The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt: Letters patent, specifications of patents, and appendix
Auteur: Muirhead, James Patrick
Publié: 1854
deuxième littérature
no fulltext found Kinematics of mechanisms from the time of Watt
Auteur: Ferguson, Eugene S.
Publié: 1962
no fulltext found A Contribution to the History of Kinematics. Watt's Straight-line Linkages and the Early French Contributions to the Theory of the Planar 4-Bar Coupler Curve, in: Mechanism and machine theory : tmm
Auteur: Koetsier, Teun
Publié: 1983
Linked items
Persons: Watt, James (1736 - 1819)
Documents: Kinematics of mechanisms from the time of Watt
A Contribution to the History of Kinematics. Watt's Straight-line Linkages and the Early French Contributions to the Theory of the Planar 4-Bar Coupler Curve
The life of James Watt, with selections from his correspondence
Introductory memoir and extracts from correspondence
Extracts from correspondence
Letters patent, specifications of patents, and appendix
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Time of publication 1854
